Thursday, September 25, 2008

Presidential pups

(Pictured above: Pres. Bush's dogs, Miss Beazley and Barney)

The Obamas have promised their daughters, Malia and Sasha, that they'll get a family dog after the Nov. 4 election.

So what breed?

According to 42,000 people surveyed by a national poll, the Obamas should get a poodle (one of the Obama girls has allergies, and poodles are hypoallergenic.)

Read more of this story here.

What kind of pet would you suggest for the Obamas?

I had been wondering if either of the presidential candidates had pets. According to the story, the McCains already have four dogs.

Pres. Bush has two Scottish terriers: Barney and Miss Beazley. In fact, Barney has his own Website:

Impressive, isn't it? Makes me want to set up a Web site for CeCe! In fact, she already has a Dogbook page (dog version of Facebook.)

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