Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Neighbors and noise

In the first few months of CeCe and I being together, I kept her in the kitchen while I was at work. Soon it became apparent that she would not take being alone quietly - she started barking and howling while I was away. How did I know? The neighbors complained.

Did you know that Columbus has an animal ordinance that states it's "unlawful" for owners to "allow, permit or by negligence fail to prevent such animals from" causing a nuisance? A nuisance includes animals howling, yelping, whining, barking, etc. that disturbs people in the neighborhood.

Read Columbus' Animal Ordinance here.

As for CeCe, I started leaving the tv and radio on while I was away so she wasn't as bored. She also has plenty of toys and bones to play with. And she gets to roam the living room.

So far, I think it's worked. No more complaints.

Here's a Yahoo Pets article about being a good pet neighbor.

What have you done to make sure your pet is a good neighbor?

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