Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pet airline ready for take off

Hey y'all...sorry it's been a while. I've been out of town/entertaining guests for the past two weekends and have been trying to catch up at work. The good thing is the first weekend, CeCe got to spend time with her "daddy" (my boyfriend was visiting from out of town - haha) and the second weekend, she got to run and play with other dogs at the kennel (my vet recently got the backyard fence completed.)

Speaking of being out of town, I came across some stories that a new pet airline is scheduled to launch this summer. Pet Airways, based in Delray Beach, Fla., will fly to regional airports in five major cities - NYC, LA, Denver, DC and Chicago. (Sorry, none in Atlanta.)

It's only for dogs and cats who don't want to ride in the cargo hold (or at least, whose owners don't want them to.) Average fare for each pet is about $250 each way.

Read more about the airlines here.

My question is...if this service was available at the Columbus or Atlanta airport, would you use it? I know I've expressed my fear about letting CeCe fly in the cargo area, but $500 to fly roundtrip? Those planes better have a four poster bed and Evian water for her!

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