Friday, April 10, 2009

Free kitties

My L-E colleague Sandra Okamoto just e-mailed the newsroom about a mama cat who recently gave birth to three adorable kitties! They're looking for forever homes. Here is Sandra's e-mail:


A mama cat brought her three kittens, one by one, to our covered driveway yesterday. A neighbor wondered where she was taking them and came to our house. He had been feeding the mama and brought over a sack of food. I guess she scouted out the neighborhood and liked what she saw at our house. Even Piiko barking at her hasn’t fazed her.

My mother and I have been feeding her since yesterday.

The kittens look like they are about three weeks old and they are absolutely gorgeous. Mama’s gorgeous, too. One kitten is a dark smoky gray, another is yellow and the third is a tabby. I know all kittens and putties are gorgeous, but these are truly beautiful.

If you’re interested, or know someone who might want a cat, please let me know. Otherwise, we’ll have to take them to PAWS. I have three dogs and you know about Chipper, my devil dog. He’s not happy that they are in our driveway, even though he never goes there. I think just the thought of it bothers him!


E-mail her at if you' interested.

1 comment:

Sandra Okamoto said...

The mama and her babies have disappeared. Maybe she's moved them somewhere else. If they come back, I'll let you know. They're still not weaned, so I can't imagine she would abandon them.