Friday, January 30, 2009

Cloning beloved pets

Have y'all heard about the Florida couple who got their yellow Lab cloned in South Korea?

The original dog, who died last year, was named Sir Lancelot. Their clone is named Sir Lancelot Encore.

Read the full story here.

The whole idea of cloning pets freaks me out a little. I think it's wrong - from a moral perspective.

But besides that...some people who do it, like the couple in the article, say it's because they miss their old pet: their physical presence, their cute face, their loving personality.

But if cloning doesn't guarantee the pet will act the same way, why do it?

Isn't a pet's personality the reason why we really love them?

CeCe, my Boston terrier, is a cutie. But what I really love about her is her unique mannerisms: how she cocks her head to the side, how she puts her nose under my hand when she wants me to pet her.

Sorry, but a clone can't do that exactly the way she does.

So what do you think of this?

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