Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New parents hating their pets?

Hey everyone!

Just got back from a long birthday weekend in Atlanta. My girlfriends from California came to visit, and CeCe got to go to one of her favorite places, the farm!

Anyway, check out this column I found today from the San Francisco Chronicle. It's about the "epidemic" of new parents who start to hate their own pets (and eventually get rid of them) after a baby is born.

Have any of y'all ever seen this before?

A friend once told me a story of another friend who got rid of their Golden Retriever after their baby began crawling. The friend said the dog was shedding too much and she didn't want the baby getting into all the dog hair.

I have no kids so I've never been in the situation before. But it just seems really extreme - to go from loving on your dog to kicking him/her out.

Have any of you pet owners ever been in this situation? How did you work it out so both baby and doggy could co-habitate? Or was there another solution?

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