Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No jump!

So I have a problem.

Among other things, I've taught CeCe how to sit, stay, bark on command and stop barking on command.

But I CANNOT get her to stop jumping on people!

It happened again today. A lady from my apartment's management stopped by with the pest control guy. CeCe went straight for the lady and would not stop jumping.

It's actually become kind of embarrassing. As soon as a visitor walks through the door, CeCe will start jumping on him/her. When visitors sit down, CeCe will get on the couch and literally place herself on top of them - licking and even nipping a little.

I've tried to keep her on a leash when a visitor enters, pull her back when she attempts to jump and say firmly, "No jump!"

I've also asked visitors to ignore her when they come in (a tactic I saw on "It's Me or the Dog.")

And when CeCe's on the couch, I've repeated, "Off!" and "Behave!" when she tries to jump on a friend.

All this has not worked.

Is this "enthusiasm" just the terrier in her, or is there a way to keep her from jumping?

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